Viveros Florena

Lorraine Cavanagh, owner of Viveros Florena and author of Mediterranean Garden Plants and Citrus, The Zest of Life was born in the cold, windswept (but warm-hearted) North East of England and, having spent most of her formative years in Africa, moving to Spain was a logical progression. Andalucia, and her people have, over more than 26 years, won her heart and enabled her to form a well-loved home, bring up a family and set up in business.
Thoroughly 'rooted' into the plant word by her grandfather she has a passion for plants and has owned a very special plant nursery for over 15 years specialising in plants suitable to the Mediterranean climate. This led to requests for advice on planning, planting and landscape design resulting in the landscaping 'limb' of the Garden Centre.
Her book, Mediterranean Garden Plants, was born of queries from clients, customers and friends over the years, formatted and compiled into what is affectionately known as the ''bible' of Mediterranean plants.
Radio work, garden club talks and lots of feature writing for newspapers and magazines quickly followed. Her life is full and busy but her greatest satisfaction is that she has been able to combine her greatest loves together - family and plants. Her partner, Merv, daughters, Madeleine and Grace, and even grand-daughter, Ainhoa, have all been 'grafted' into the business - a true family affair and love affair - and it shows!